Top 10 Real Estate Values – Finally Tweeting

Posted by Robin Camacho | Uncategorized | Thursday 25 March 2010 1:21 AM

Readers, my apologies. I’m sure I look somewhat tech-savvy given my awesome Top 10 and the fact that I pretty much own Craigslist. But it’s my researcher who gets all the credit for that.

Getting up and going on Twitter depended on me alone, so 269 days since the first tweet announcing that I’m on Twitter – voila! With the help of my son, I figured it out. If you haven’t tried OpenBeak on your cell yet, I highly recommend it. Even I can Tweet with this simple application.

If you aren’t yet following us on Twitter, you can find a Twitter icon on my site, The Twitter icon on my Top10 Real Estate Values page will link you to LVA_Tweet…an awesome Twitter that I highly recommend, but not us. I think we’re working on getting a Twitter icon on LVA, but you can always sign up on my flagship site. My Twitter name is Top10RealEstate.

While Twitter won’t replace my blog entirely, Twitter followers are already hearing from me frequently.

Lots of changes in the works for 2010, including a revamp of our website. No, the Top10 isn’t going away…it’s popularity is evident by the inquiries from across the U.S. and Canada. We will be making some value-added improvements including information on Second/Vacation homes, commercial properties and short sales. We’ll also be introducing other Top10 agents from the Robin Camacho Team.

Who knows, maybe we’ll even add one of those local weather gizmos. Oh, wait – it’s always sunny in Las Vegas.